Reflections from the first day.
This was one fantastic day. From Chris Dede's keynote all the way through the DEN reception to close the day off, IL-TCE was just one great experience after another.
To be honest, this conference was like a homecoming for me. I've been to quite a few conferences in the last few months and ICE definitely has a different flavor to it. It may not be the biggest conference in the country, but it more than makes up for it in quality. There was a ton of great sharing going on, both inside the conference rooms and in halls, lounges and lunch tables.
Personal highlights? Seeing some of my old co-workers from BZAEDS and finding out that Faith Shabat (lower school technology) won one of the video awards! Meeting Tim Lauer face to face for the first time was also a hilghlight since I'm a huge fan of what he's been doing. I didn't get to attend his workshops, but I heard great things from those who did. I also met Meg Ormiston face to face finally, when I popped in to do a quick little podcasting overview for the administrators she was bombarding during her full day hands on workshop. Gotta tell you, that group of administrators looked like they were having WAY too much fun. Lest I forget, I also got a chance to chat with Will Richardson for a few minutes between sessions. Bought a copy of his new book and had him sign it for my 'friend' who happens to be named Steve. What a coincidence, eh?
Too be honest, looking back on the day I realize that most of the highlights were the conversations that occurred throughout the day as I met people in the hall or at the lounge and heard what exciting session they had just attended. Or what speaker just blew their mind (I heard a ton of great stuff about David Jakes' session on wikis). Regardless, it was really the connections being made between educators that highlighted the entire day for me.
Unfortunately, I won't be able to attend most of the day tomorrow. I'm going to pop in to catch David Warlick's keynote and then I'm going to have to leave. But I have to admit, the IL-TCE crew did an amazing job once again. Fantastic and energizing way to spend the day. Unfortunately I've got so many ideas buzzing around my head that I don't think I'll ever be able to get to sleep!
Well, if you are attending any workshops tomorrow, do me a little favor... Blog about them!
See you next year!
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